A Review of The Chemistry of Auschwitz


When I started my foray into Holocaust Denial 5-years ago, I began by stating that no event of any significance in the world takes place without generating a flutter of conspiracy speculations. As unpleasant and potentially dangerous a belief in one or more of these conspiracies can be, they do, for the most part, come from a natural human desire to find an explanation for what appears to be ...

Con Man Fred Leuchter Did Not Write the Leuchter Report


I have previously asked, in regards to American execution equipment manufacturer Fred Leuchter, at what point does someone become a con man? Was it when Leuchter deliberately misrepresented himself as a professional engineer, when he sold faulty execution equipment which would cause a nightmarish death, or was it when he convinced holocaust deniers that he was an expert on gas execution? As ...

Con Man Fred Leuchter Did Not Write the Leuchter Report


I have previously asked, in regards to American execution equipment manufacturer Fred Leuchter, at what point does someone become a con man? Was it when Leuchter deliberately misrepresented himself as a professional engineer, when he sold faulty execution equipment which would cause a nightmarish death, or was it when he convinced holocaust deniers that he was an expert on gas execution? As ...

The Purge of Science and Reason

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Organic farming was not the singular cause for the crisis which Sri Lanka is currently facing, but the sudden agro-chemical ban poured more fuel on the fire and demonstrated just how critical high-yielding crops are in economies still based largely on agriculture. This is the dark side of organic ...

The Purge of Science and Reason


Organic farming was not the singular cause for the crisis which Sri Lanka is currently facing, but the sudden agro-chemical ban poured more fuel on the fire and demonstrated just how critical high-yielding crops are in economies still based largely on agriculture. This is the dark side of organic farming.  The crisis which had been brewing for years due to political corruption, nepotism, and ...

Failing to Learn From Previous Sri Lankan Farming Disasters


In a speech to the House of Commons, Churchill paraphrased Santayana when he said “Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it”. This phrase has always stuck with me as far too often I have seen people continue to pursue the wrong course of action because they do not take the time to think critically about what has happened in the past. Nowhere is there a better example of Failing to Learn From Previous Sri Lankan Farming Disasters">...

Failing to Learn From Previous Sri Lankan Farming Disasters


In a speech to the House of Commons, Churchill paraphrased Santayana when he said “Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it”. This phrase has always stuck with me as far too often I have seen people continue to pursue the wrong course of action because they do not take the time to think critically about what has happened in the past. Nowhere is there a better example of ...

Vandana Shiva and the Seeds of the Sri Lankan Farming Disaster

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For decades now, we have been told by NGOs such as Greenpeace, well-meaning but uninformed celebrities like Mark Ruffalo and the threat to global food security herself, Vandana Shiva, that organic farming is more sustainable and produces comparable yields to conventional farming methods. We all, including myself, want this to be true but deep down we all know when we see the premium price tag on ...

Vandana Shiva and the Seeds of the Sri Lankan Farming Disaster


For decades now, we have been told by NGOs such as Greenpeace, well-meaning but uninformed celebrities like Mark Ruffalo and the threat to global food security herself, Vandana Shiva, that organic farming is more sustainable and produces comparable yields to conventional farming methods. We all, including myself, want this to be true but deep down we all know when we see the premium price tag on ...

Is Glyphosate Probably Carcinogenic? Probably Not! 


Original published by James Gurney on the now defunct TLONs and reposted here. In May 2015 anti-GMO lobbyist and ignorance profiteers were handed down some glorious news. The World Health Organisation (WHO) had just declared the Glyphosate was probably carcinogenic. Finally validation that GMO’s are evil and Monsanto is trying to rape mother earth for every last cent. I read this with some ...

An Introduction to Germar Rudolf

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It has now been almost two years since I was challenged by Mike, Jesse and Alex of the TDS podcast to refute Germar Rudolf’s book, The Chemistry of Auschwitz. This has led some online to believe that I am unable to do so and therefore, somehow the Nazis did not systematically kill millions of people in their death camps. The truth however is that I simply don’t like being told what to do and ...

An Introduction to Germar Rudolf


The story starts during the height of the 2020 pandemic when the TDS podcasters told their audience with some conviction that I was too much of a “fucking pussy” to ever tackle Germar or his book. ‘Right, so again… a guy loses his PHD politically, again, and you’re pretending you don’t know the politics of why he would lose his PHD? Fuck you! Now you’re even doubly a liar. If ...

The Great British Charity Swindle


The British government has recently been investigating the public benefit provided by charities offering complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). They have stated that to remain qualified for charitable status, an organisation must provide evidence that the therapy being offered is capable of delivering the claimed benefits. In the case of Gerson Support Group (GSG), the organisation’s ...

The Great British Charity Swindle


The British government has recently been investigating the public benefit provided by charities offering complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). They have stated that to remain qualified for charitable status, an organisation must provide evidence that the therapy being offered is capable of delivering the claimed benefits. In the case of Gerson Support Group (GSG), the organisation’s own ...

The Gerson Therapy Scam


Gerson Therapy is a scam! It is a dietary-based alternative cancer treatment whose proponents erroneously believe that cancer is a symptom of a disease and not disease itself. The therapy, which has been shown to be both ineffective and dangerous, is based on the belief that disease is caused by the accumulation of unspecified toxins and that hourly glasses of organic juice along with various ...