
A Counter to the American Academy of Pediatrics Hit Piece on Genetically Modified Organisms


In today’s world, due to the lopsided impact of the bullshit asymmetry principle, the internet is overflowing with misinformation. However, amidst this deluge of falsehoods, there are organisations that steadfastly promote scientific facts rather than succumbing to the influence of interest groups or fashion. These organisations and the individuals within them are beacons of rationality ...

Roundup Ready Crop and the Green PolkaDot Box


 By: Myles Power Edited by: Peter I recently uploaded a video to YouTube critiquing an american advert asking people to vote yes for proposition 37. For those who don’t know, proposition 37 was the failed attempt calling for the mandatory labelling of all genetically modified food in California. To try and get people to vote yes, the advert mislead the viewer into thinking that GM-food ...

Drinking Roundup Herbicide Makes Men Live Longer


By: Myles Power Edited by: Peter & Hannah In September of last year, the highly discredited paper ‘Long-term Toxicity of a Roundup Herbicide and a Roundup-Tolerant Genetically Modified Maize‘ was published in the journal ‘Food and Chemical Toxicology’. Most people have heard of this paper, as it is currently being promoted by every anti-GMO group on the planet, as it supposedly ...