The Secret that “Dr” Joseph Cipriano Doesn’t Want You to Know


A lot of people don’t know this, but chiropractic adjustment is a scam! It’s pure hocus pocus, that at its very best is a technique of pain management that time and time again, it’s been shown to be ineffective, with most credible research putting it on a par with a good massage. Its origins are in the ramblings of a literal snake-oil-salesman, who convinced people that his spooky ghost ...

AIDS Denialism………Yep That’s a Thing (Australian Skeptics National Convention 2015)

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In the early days of the AIDS epidemic many bizarre and dangerous ideas were advanced regarding the origin of the disease and its cause. Since the discovery of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) these conspiracy theories, which once filled the void left by the lack of information, have all but vanished. Over the past three decades HIV has been the subject of intense scientific research which ...

Update and yet more DMCAs


There seems to be a little bit of confusion after I posted the video “AIDS denialists file DMCAs against me” about the exact number of DMCAs I had received. This is understandable considering at the time I had three active strikes against my account which usally results in loss of ability to upload videos and channel deletion. However for some unknown reason my channel was still up ...

The foul-mouthed Liam Scheff


About a month ago I published part 5 of my mini series debunking the AIDS denialist film House of Numers. In this video I was critiquing a short one minute clip where Liam Scheff was claiming that the paper ‘Heterosexual Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in Northern California: Results from a Ten-year Study’  was proof that HIV can’t be transmitted through ...

Larry Cook Files Fake DMCA Against Me


I have been DMCAed again!!! This time it was agains the video “Holly Riley – A cure for autism caused by vaccinations” (Video can still be found on blip here) filed by Larry Cook (YouTube and Facebook) This is yet another example of illegal misuse of the DMCA! He is also gloating on his facebook about him committing perjury and is clearly aware that my video was a critique of ...

Fourth DMCA Filed Against Me


Looks like this is goodbye :( I have received yet another DMCA from Martin Penny and the people at Knowledge Matters LLC. This means that my account will be terminated in 7 days and I will be prohibited from creating a new account in the future. If you think what is happening here is as disgusting as I do could you please point me in the direction of people who could help. Could I also ask you to ...

The DMCA Situation


Over the past two months I have been making a series of videos critical of the documentary House of Numbers. I gave examples of how the documentary edited people mid-sentence to change the meaning of what they are saying, lied about the sequence and dates of a series of HIV tests in order to convince people that the tests are useless, and missed out vital information about the death of a little ...

Multiple DMCAs filed against my videos


Multiple DMCAs have been filed against me in order to silence my criticism of the movie House of Numbers. It appears that Liam only removed his DMCA to allow Martin Penny and the people at Knowledge Matters to file theirs. If these people had anything of merit to say, they would not have to silence a relatively unknown ...