David Paul

Nine till Five Snake Oil Peddlers


By: Myles Power Edited by: Hannah In October last year, I wrote an article about a 78-year-old man named Allan Taylor who apparently cured his incurable cancer with a new diet. Back in 2011, Allan was told that he had colon cancer and had around 22cm of his colon removed. He also underwent chemotherapy, but was later told that he would no longer benefit from the treatment and that there was ...

Cancer Cure in the Sunday Mirror


By: Myles Power Edited by: Hannah As some of you may know, I am from a small town in the north east of England called Middlesbrough – home of the parmo and birthplace of both the magician Paul Daniels and the world-famous explorer Captain James Cook. I recently returned there after working in Pennsylvania, and went to visit one of my grandparents, as part of catching up with all of my ...