Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists

A sceptical look at claims made by ‘truther’ protestors at ground zero in September 2012 from the viewpoint of a chemist. For those of you who don’t know, a ‘truther’ is a person affiliated with the 9/11 Truth movement, who rejects the official explanation provided for the 9/11 attacks and instead claims that a US government conspiracy was to blame. The videos in this series cover everything from the alleged thermite found in the dust to the collapse of World Trade Centre 7. The videos debunk every claim made by the truthers by looking at the scientific literature and studying real video evidence of the attacks.

Debunking 9/11 conspiracy theorists part 7 of 7 – Flight 93 and my final thoughts. Myles discusses why he made these videos, flight 93 and clears up a few points made in the comments. Video responses Debunkers blog post Interesting YouTube comments left on my 9/11 videos…… LaLaLaLa

The Apex Truther

By: Myles Power Edited by: James Gurney & Hannah . I recently made a series of seven videos on YouTube, critical of the 9/11 truth movement. For those of you who don’t know, the 9/11 truth movement are a group who reject the official explanation provided for the September 11th attacks and instead, claim complicity…

Architects and Engineers Eh?

I recently made a series of seven videos on YouTube critical of the 9/11 truth movement. The videos included footage of truthers (a person affiliated with the truth movement) I talked to outside ground zero on September 11th 2012. I have over three hours of footage and  most of it…

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists Claims with Simple Google Searches

By: Myles Power Edited by: Hannah I recently got the opportunity to visit one of my favorite cities in the world – New York, New York. Even though I’ve been to The Big Apple before, I’m always flabbergasted by the buildings, the people, and the general hustle and bustle of the big city.…

10 Comments on Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists

  1. you’re either an idiot or are complicit, either way fuck you.


  2. Fools will come and attack you.


  3. Good try; but, stop it. This effort only proves government involvement to cover up. Work on the overlooked science and math facts. You lose. Aluminum can’t penetrate steel. Geese / bird hits crumple the nose of these aircraft that went through the steel towers.


  4. Joe Funderbuck // September 12, 2017 at 3:56 pm // Reply

    Conspiracy theory was invented by the CIA to label those believing a conspiracy as crazy. In other words a propaganda tool. I find that John Newman presents facts on this and other subjects, for example:


  5. Hi Miles,
    You clearly are full of bullocks because you can’t even pronounce aluminum correctly–JUST KIDDING. We in the US mispronounce it (and misspell it). I was a science reporter for many years and am naturally skeptical. But I often start to believe the conspiritorial bs about 911, GMOs, etc., because we are simply inundated by this nonsense on the web, in “books” and on youtube. So, I try to return to your website regularly to get re-aligned with reality.

    I want to thank you for what you do because it’s vitally important. We in America have lost all faith in our institutions, from the government, to acadamia, the church, the press–everything. I’m sure this is true in the UK as well.

    Much of this mistrust is justified because these organizations–like the press, peer review, the church–have lied so blatantly to us.

    But those real and provable lies arent really the problem. The true danger is the growing belief that everything must be a lie, that we’re all pawns in “the matrix.”

    In fact, conspiracies with the weakest evidence are often the most widely accepted because this lack of evidence somehow becomes “proof” because it reveals how diabolical the cabal behind the conspiracy actually is. Insane!

    As the father of an adolescent son, I have to wade through the youtube cesspool to help him see through all of this nonesense. The latest is an explosion of videos on the flat earth…seriously. There are thousands of these videos. A fraction are actuslly quite well done, enough at least to plant a seed of doubt in a young mind.

    Like you, I think this is very dangerous. If we have no faith in anything, how can society survive? So, again, thank you for what you do and for doing it with humor, kindness and great integrity.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You claim the towers wer made to withstand a much slower smaller aircraft.
    Well the 707 is only 10 feet wider – this being the wingspan so a few feet of aluminium aint gunna make much difference, also the 707 was capable of 607mph compared to 530 for the 767
    Bell end!


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  8. Myles, just watched the whole thing. I applaud you for your efforts and, frankly, admire your bravery. Science and not-so-common sense need defenders like you. Oh, and your psychology friend was very good too.


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